
i do give them credit in that they seem to try and have big conversations about stuff, but man those conversations are not great.

Even if this is some vast conspiracy, and it actually never happened (it isn't, and it totally did), once i heard it was Fox news, there would be no way to convince me they were telling the truth. They could have photos, and Carlson saying into a recording that she faked the whole thing, and i would still think Fox

my parents love that show and i laughed when i saw them drive away on their motorcycles.

yeah, same here. I've had far fewer problems with CW's site than Hulu, and at least if CW fucks up, it remembers where it was at in the episode, unlike Hulu, which will fuck up and then say "HA, LOOKS LIKE YOU GOTTA START OVER AND WATCH EVERY AD AGAIN, SUCKER."

i would categorize legends of tomorrow as "walking disaster that was somehow entertaining at points" and arrow season 4 as "started strong but totally fucked the landing"

i too loved the majority of ME3 when i played it, aside from the ending which i thought was blah, and lame compared to everything else.

that retrospective is so long that you just sort of start agreeing with it through stockholm syndrome.

eh, i still thought it was so tame compared to everything else they've done. I was surprised they didn't play up the "missing daughter" angle and have the dad show up with the police looking for her.

As someone who thinks Jeremy is useless and a terrible character, I didn't buy his sudden "shooting rachel's face at the gun range" and the horrible beating Rachel moment. It felt as manufactured as something Quinn would do.

i honestly have no idea how they continue the show without doing a soft reboot next season. There's so much garbage and bad blood, and just terrible things done to each other, that it's hard to believe that they can continue to make the same show without someone quitting.

yeah, bringing the father along was so boring compared to the fake mom incident, yet everyone on the show treated it like it was literally the worst thing quinn ever did.

"Finally, they fucking got rid of Chet."

i am, but I'll probably end up finishing the season since there is literally nothing on this summer.

bullshit. I watched that episode and the asian contestant did not get Rice clue correct. dude said every other possible thing though, and when she said "a grain you eat" he said Grits.

yes, that will work. CUE THE INTRO.

and Good Luck!

having only watched a few episodes of both, Dark Matter, to me, seemed more like the non-union mexican equivalent attempt at Firefly, and killjoys was just fun bounty hunters in SPAAAAAACE.

True Blood in the first couple of seasons knew exactly what it was, a fun and campy, and ridiculous. Pretty much after season 3, it lost all of that and was complete garbage.

yeah, season 3 really suffers from them making it all about jess and nick, and they clearly had no idea what they were doing once they got them together. Once they break up though, i think season 3 picks up (especially in the insane finale on the cruise) and I thought season 4 and season 5 were really nice return to

everybody but ABC agreed with you. Like idiots they wanted the name recognition.