
i think their new show no tomorrow, might have finally formulated that deadly toxin, at least it looks like that in their preview trailer.

yeah, he was also a cougar town guest star!

yeah, i'm leaning towards it being watchable too. I get a good chuckle everytime when Johnson says "Cool" the second time.

"Has not been made available for you country"

"it gives you boners!"

Christopher Hayden is the wooooooooorst.

he wasn't even a good father when he would show back up on the show!

yeah, someone who thinks christopher was a good father during the run of Gilmore Girls, was not paying attention while watching gilmore girls.

i guess he's just focusing on stand up right now? he released a new comedy album last year with Comedy Central.

Chet is basically that cold you get that takes forever to get rid of, but then once you start to feel better, someone sneezes on you and you get sick all over again.

yeah, i'm really kinda ambivalent on this season so far, mostly because of how much i cannot stand chet at all, and the ridiculous set up of the season in the first episode.

i mean he had a tiny bit of one in the first season, but he quickly dumped it the second he could to out the lesbian contestant for his gain.

i can't wait until Rachel goes off on him and explains he basically dumped his fiance to chase after her because he can't move on.

yeah the changing of the show, especially chet's vision makes absolutely no sense let alone thinking he could have gotten away with it.

everything seemed to work out perfectly fine for those flowers in the attic characters.

I like the part where you kiss the imuno-compromised monster

i got no qualms about her calling the dude out, i do think it's a little weird she seems to be as creeped out by a guy lying as one would be by a guy who wears people's faces.

it's also just not even well done, like i could barely make out what any of the actors were even saying.

having watched all of it, i have to agree.