Sweet. Now all that needs to happen for my master plan to come to fruition is for Tesla to follow suit, along with smart.
Sweet. Now all that needs to happen for my master plan to come to fruition is for Tesla to follow suit, along with smart.
I don't know the citizenship status of these two, but if they are illegal aliens, the dude who survived should not be allowed to sue anyone.
Then there's styling - while I understand that is a matter of personal preference, I personally prefer my XJ. This thing looks like some kind of rejected, retarded alien bug suggestion for a sci fi movie.
Dammit I am getting sick of rutledge wood's ugly mug all over the page. CP, drive wheels are in the wrong place (x infinity)
Don't forget, the main reason to hate them is that their drive wheels are in the wrong place :D
Where is Florida Man when you need him?
"...with a top team like Tanner Faust..." - see? THAT's why Tanner Faust is, all around, better than ken block. Tanner is a one man team. No one has ever said anything about the "Ken Block team"..
<insert troll comment here>
Impressive. He does have skill, that's for sure. They should let him do a "gymkhana" in his F1 car as an "F-U" to ken block. That'd be awesome.
I think it's funny that the one supercar motorweek actually gets to test is colored in camry beige.
1. I know it's a sandrail. 2. I know this isn't what you were talking about. However, it is possible... all you need is the right tires, the right HP and the right counterbalance...
HAHAHA!!!!!! I *KNEW* I recognized that name from somewhere - KUDOS to you for your chuck reference
I agree with you - but I would be willing to legalize lane splitting if, in the process of splitting the lane and neglecting the safety of everyone else around them by doing so, they accept not only any and all legal responsibility for accidents incurred during the maneuver, but all monetary restitutions as well.
And - a hammer. That is a very good point though. Sort of like James' and his spare tires. "I've got spares..." when he should have said "the support truck, that has been accompanying us this whole time, has plenty of extra wheels." but yeah...
Personally, I'd have a lot more tolerance for grandpa than (presumably) a much younger person. If she was concerned for her safety with the winds, maybe stay at home. This message needs to be sent more. In every state, regardless of the details. People's point of view on the "fast lane", "passing lane" or the "drag…
*THAT* is a ferrari. Keep your enzos, keep your 458s, keep your FF's and the new hybrid whateverthefuckitis, this, the GTO, and the F40 are what made me like Ferraris. IMO, they haven't had a decent one since those halcyon days.
The focus of the episode, and indeed all adventure episodes, is the adventure itself, the cars, the trials and tribulations, not the end result. IMO, anyway. What I'm curious about, does anyone else think they may have had a backup subaru? Or at the very least, replaced more/mended more than was alleged in the video.…