I honestly thought they just decided to forget about it like Lady Stoneheart. But they got the old coot….so….good for them…I guess.
I honestly thought they just decided to forget about it like Lady Stoneheart. But they got the old coot….so….good for them…I guess.
As a book reader, I doubt they are gonna go back to the scenes from the books and bring them on the show.
I also loved Sansa's response. She couldnt remember the oath but Pod was there to save the day!
To be fair, all premiere episodes start like that, it's basically a "Where we last left our heroes!" schtick.
I was surprised……and then I sat back and asked myself, "Why?"
I hope to God that had something to do with the plot. My friend said "Maybe she's gonna die in her sleep to give Jon back his life!" If only you could hear the desperation in her voice.
How adorable was Pod's swordfight? He is the cutest character….i mean it's not like he has to try or anything..
Jack Donaghy: "Lemon I'm impressed! You're beginning to think like a businessman."
Pretty sure Im not the only to say this but…
For me it depends on the winner.
Last season, it was so clear that Jeremy was gonna win, Kelley was just the constant badass wildcard that would have definitely had won had she made the finals.
This season it still isnt clear yet. Everyone's game is different and its making the outcome a lot more ambiguous. I like the…
….well that escalated quickly.
*Aubry spits at you for thinking she wouldnt be good in physical challenges*
Tai is screwed any way he goes imo. No one is going to want to take him to the end even before this big move he made tonight. He is just too nice and all those people on remaining see that, it's just about eliminating him when the time is right.
Even if he has an idol, i dont think he is perceptive enough to know when…
Joe is playing the "I'm old and useless so just take me to the end if you wanna win" game quite well.
"Cochran's Dream girl" and "That son of bitch left with the idol" are her top quotes of the season so far.
Basically this tribal council had my face going all like Eliza when Ozzy got blindsided!!
Hooker? I hardly even know her!
You wont be saying "THANKS OBAMA" when he tells you what happens
Can we officially say Ben Affleck was the worst Batman ever? He legit just looks like Ben Affleck in a Batman costume.
Probst doesnt do Botox….he sucks the youth out of the contestants and bathes in their blood.