Expressed in the only terms he can understand. Well done.
Expressed in the only terms he can understand. Well done.
Amen. This shit is only slightly less important than our heartbeats. Fuck this memelord little puke. Maybe when he grows up he’ll see what’s actually important in the world.
I would think it’d be Anthony who would have to worry.
“Wrong. Wrong” *sniff* *sniffffffff*
It could be said the debates can be safely ignored when the level of discourse is along the lines of “No puppet. No puppet.”
Are you insinuating that Huma Abedin is dead? Because it really seems that way.
Not to take away from your other excellent points, but “blingy xenomorph” means you win.
You have any evidence of this? Or just strong words to win comments-section disagreements?
For fucks sake. Really America? You’re this fucking dumb?
MEOW= Mutual Exchange of Worth. I love the update, and am damn glad to be back. Anyone wanna exchange friend codes or whatever it is we do to multiplay nowadays?
You have come to the right place.
You know, I could manage to make myself a millionaire with the injection of a 9 million dollar loan. How is that “self-made”? How is that “good businessman”?
I am so afraid for America right now. Think of all the god damned morons you meet on a daily basis.
Don’t be a passive aggressive sign-making douchebag. Have a conversation.
They don’t understand coffee.
If we wanted ass coffee we’d use an automatic drop coffeemaker.
Right? I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!
“but KD made the very choice.”