It's almost enough to get me to sign up for Instagram.
It's almost enough to get me to sign up for Instagram.
The biggest waste here is Namor. Namor couldn't carry a solo movie with no other Marvel characters, but he'd be great blended in to the greater Avengers universe.
If Dreama Walker showed up as Squirrel Girl on AKA Jessica Jones I would be so incredibly happy. Get Eric Andre in there as Rocket Racer and James VanDerBeek as Jack of Hearts.
That sounds like a real waste of Dreama Walker. She should be leading a sitcom (or at least a "dramedy") or playing Squirrel Girl for Marvel Studios.
I will be in New York in September. If it's still open then, I'd definitely go to this. I care more about SNL than I do about 19th century European masters.
Quick Hardening Caulk!
*quietly in the corner* I consider Girls a sitcom.
That would be my pick.
I was thinking of Her, and also people are always writing op-eds about whether Andy Serkis should be nominated for this or that. But I also didn't even Google it or anything just now before shooting off my mouth (and still haven't) so you are very likely correct!
Strange that the animated films list the actors and actresses since I believe you can't be nominated for a voice-only performance.
He has a fun cameo in Broken Age.
For fans of this show, did you like the first three episodes? That's all I watched, and as much I like Eliza Coupe, I just didn't think they were funny, so I bailed. I'm wondering if the show has improved greatly or if it's just not my thing. Thanks!
I haven't played Far Cry 4 yet (or FC1 or FC2), but Far Cry 3 took a strong anti-violence position. The protagonist in FC3 transforms into an inhuman monster, and the game makes note of this several times. I've never felt as chastised for enjoying a violent game as I did playing FC3, and I mean that in a good way.…
This was an interesting article. For some reason, it's hard for me to see a song as "honest" when the song is not full of self-loathing. I enjoy on a superficial level the sound of various Taylor Swift songs, but because the songs often feel like they are self-affirming, I can't really see them as more than a tasty…
I've recently started watching the third season of Person of Interest, and I'm a bit confused as to how Root is such an unstoppable badass. She's basically a hacker who is able to fire a gun with pinpoint accuracy because a computer is telling her to do so.
But what about Penny becoming a hipster? You forgot about that, didn't you? Now I'm sure you've come around and realize that the first season of Happy Endings is vital.
I really enjoyed reading this Inventory. Has there ever been an Inventory of shows that accuse other shows of ripping them off? Usually by saying "I'm watching that great new show ______ and it feels like I'm watching my own life!"
I agree with this 1,000%. Iron Man 3 has another great example, with the falling out of an airplane scene. I only wish super hero comics had the same focus. It seems like every time I try to get back into super hero comics it's all about petty vendettas between the heroes and villains and/or insanely high body counts.
If you look at super hero adaptations as a whole, Marvel will have two female-lead TV series (though both are miniseries I think) next year: Agent Carter and Jessica Jones. If my math is right by the end of 2015 Jessica Jones will have produced more hours of filmed content than all three Iron Man movies.