Sinead McGowan

Typical Pittsburgh behavior

He probably only drinks malt liquor, which makes a Pabst hangover seem like nothing

Newsradio is so overrated. One episode of the Kids in the Hall had more laughs than an entire season of Newsradio.

"Heidi just didn't fit in.Tippy toe! Lemon tree!"

yeah Susan was normal. the rest of the gang was way too neurotic to relate to her

Kung Pow: Enter the fist?

2 crappy subpar episodes

Almost Famous is way overrated

Cameron Crowe directed this so of course it sucks

slow? how sad for you. you must have the attention span of a hummingbird

Han didn't shoot first but Alderaan did

AOTC is so bad even Leonard Maltin didn't like it and he loved The Phantom Menace

Don Rickles shoulda done more horror films

but the good son was doomed too

yeah but if you were sitting in the theater watching it you would think this movie is way too long. some scenes had to be cut and they picked the right ones

The Running Man did it 10 years before

that's why axl rose left

Poetic Justice was worse than Higher Learning

B+? are you grading on a curve? this show is horrible
