
There were a ton of Jays fans at this game. They were pretty loud, until Avila’s hit.

I have one of their branded lighters. It is a prized possession.

1. At what point did I say I was a Ravens fan?

The players should do whatever they can to improve their situation. Compared to their colleagues in the four major pro sports in the U.S., they by far have it the worst, even though the NFL has much higher revenues. Also, it would be great to see Goodell have his ass handed to him.

All I know is this: There was an altercation between the group with Ray Lewis and the two victims at a nightclub, and the two guys wound up stabbed outside of the nightclub with witnesses saying that Lewis & co. fled in his stretched limo. One of the people in his crew the night of the murder had purchased a knife

Ray Lewis saw no prison time for his role in a double murder (which he probably didn’t commit, but certainly aided and abetted) and has an issue with NFL players protesting cops who murder and don’t go to prison. Gotta hand it to the guy: at least he’s consistent.

Democracy is not about killing someone because you disagree with their views. What you described is terrorism.

While I too dislike the views of the groups you mentioned, I sure as hell ain’t gonna star that shit. Our democracy may have been won with guns, but it isn’t run with guns.

The fact that you would even use the term “alt-left” speaks volumes about the quality of your sources of information. That terms did not exist before the President attempted to spread blame on both sides for the tragedy in Charlottesville.

Or Burn Notice, or Elementary, or The Bourne Ultimatum.

It is remarkably insensitive to protest the removal of a statue celebrating the military leader of a group of states that tried to leave the country because they believed black people should be enslaved. It is beyond aloof, it is racist. They original protestors aren’t defending just segregation, they are defending

I think that the parking lot revenue went to the Atlanta-Fulton County stadium authority, an organization that didn’t have much reason to exist after Atlanta Fulton County Stadium was torn down.

To add to this: Despite having no MARTA service or contributing to funding, Gwinnett had a seat on the MARTA board for some time, though I think this was abolished in the past 15 years. This was because of the inital decision back in 1965 to keep the door open to MARTA.

Overall it is cheaper and simpler to put up a hump and a sign to alert cyclists to dismount than it is to have people continuously getting injured, some of whom will require a visit to a medical provider.

If there was a sign and perhaps a berm I wold agree with you. But it is not unreasonable for a cyclist approaching an unmarked crossing to assume that there is no need to take precautions.

I doubt that will happen, at least not in any significant numbers. They already pay this city income tax if they spend more than half of the year in NYC. This would just take the existing top income tax bracket in NYC from 3.9% to 4.4%.

Baylor was at the helm for the first Rockies appearance in the playoffs. RIP Don.

No. I think it was mentioned on TWIB or something.

That is really sad. In addition to being a heck of a ballplayer, I will always remember him for his brief appearance on the soap opera Santa Barbara.

I have owned two tintop Vanagons. I would get so many smiles, waves, and fist pumps around town. Plus it was really cool sitting on the front axle and piloting that boat around, which is surprisingly simple to maneuver for a vehicle of its size. It is very easy to parallel park a Vanagon, because there is no confusion