I don’t. Why do you think I am making this comment on Ley’s piece?
I don’t. Why do you think I am making this comment on Ley’s piece?
Can Deadspin build a filter that keeps us from seeing Burneko’s NBA tirades?
Yes, the former President of Baylor and Independent Counsel that investigated President Clinton. That one.
He should hire Ken Starr. I think he is a lawyer of note.
Black-eyed peas check both boxes as a bean and a dish. And they are awesome.
This is dumb. Either paint the car or don’t have an art car.
...for which state law supplies the rule of decision.
So I did ten minutes worth of research on this and there is a recent D.C. Circuit ruling on point. In re: Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc. (756 F.3d 754; https://www.manatt.com/uploadedFiles/Content/4_News_and_Events/Newsletters/Corporate_Investigations_White_Collar_Defense/KBR-First-Writ-Opinion.pdf
This is in federal court, so the Federal Rules of Civil Prcedure would apply.
The first letter made clear that the engagement was for an independent and external review, with no representation beyond such scope. In that scenario, there would not be legal advice and therefore attorney-client privilege would not apply.
Bad analogy, Drew. No one (outside of Tom Ley) thinks grizzly bears are hot.
So she bought prawns?
A foul ball is still a very good outcome for a pitcher, because there is zero chance that the batter can reach or any runners can advance, but there is still a chance that an out could result.
Unlike your pen pals, I like the political stuff. I stopped reading your NBA pieces a while back, however.
Only last night and tonight’s game are in Cobb County. Monday and Tuesday were in Toronto.
Because there can’t be a tie, right?
I wish I could get one of these in decent shape for under $20k.
Better yet, a hatch.
I would also support that approach.