
I fully agree with Hamilton. But just for the sake of argument, California farms would be in a world of trouble if the (remaining) US refused to give them the historic access rights to the Colorado River. That water is the only reason that so much food production happens in the state’s dry interior.

If everyone in the world went on the Paleo diet, we would not be able to produce enough food to keep everyone fed. The calories provided by grains and legumes allowed societies that were able to grow such food develop and expand.

Came here to post a screen shot of Ivan Stewart’s Super Off Road. Well done.

Or just give us the full bracket as soon as the committee has completed it and let each fan determine if they want to tune in to CBS to hear all the hype and analysis.

It wasn’t a folding chair, it was a non-folding chair.

First of all, congratulations for taking what was a civil discussion about garlic mincing in a profane and rude direction.

You raise good questions. I don’t know the answers, other than to say that:

You just dropped some knowledge on me. Gonna give this a whirl. Thanks.

Holy shit you’re a genius. I will definitely try this. Thanks!

At what point did I say that I don’t use fresh garlic? I just choose to quickly mince by hand if it’s just a couple of cloves.

I believe that MatisyahuSerious meant that they agree with Clinton’s sentiment that Trump should delete his account.

We own a garlic press. It doesn’t get used very often because when you factor in the labor to fully clean the garlic press it doesn’t make sense unless we need to mince five or more cloves at once. (I have found that the dishwasher does not get all the little pieces of skin and shreds of flesh out of the press, so I

Car companies are not entirely unified on this issue. Honda and Subaru have chosen not to be a member of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, presumably because they feel they have a competitive advantage if CAFE standards are high. 

Not sure if you are talking about the Alpine A110 or the Murano Crosscrappybuffet, but funny either way.

The answer to your question can be found in the first paragraph.

Knock three out while leaving yours in! That’s like a grand slam for curling, right?

Nice write-up as always, Dom.

Tony LaRussa.

When he was managing the Cardinals, Tony LaRussa got a DUI one year at spring training.