
Yeah Marchman, how dare you make a nuanced, comprehensive argument that uses a lot of words and not many pictures?

The point of the article could not be more clear. It is to show that: 

Good observation, but I think that would be $533k/adequate.

Very well done.

Has the White House contacted you about a job opening for Communications Director?

Who’s the best ping pong player on staff?

Pro: It’s stealthy

11 plus minute video to make people laugh at duck calls in a tailpipe is way too long.

White House Pro/Con list for B-21 as Air Force One

I’m glad that Oakley said those things.

A few points in response:

Can you please point me to the part where I used the word “bad”?

ˆ This is really well done.

The argument isn’t about whether market forces create certain outcomes. No one here has debated that. It’s about whether people who work deserve dignified existence that allows them to make ends meet without relying on government benefits (which we all pay for). No one is arguing that ditch diggers should be paid

Not complaining that I got to see it, but why was this filmed? If the car doesn’t lose traction, then this would have been documented mundanity.

Later he gets the rebound. Passes it to the man. Shoots it. And boom goes the dynamite.

There has always been a need for unskilled labor. That doesn’t mean that the people filling those jobs deserve shitty lives. Even if everyone made themselves more valuable via education and training, that won’t negate the need for ditch diggers and the like. Everyone who works deserves good.

I think he paused because he didn’t want to fuck up the cool saying he worked so hard to come up with