There is a statistical category called Game Winning RBI, which is the RBI recorded by a batter that gives it’s team a lead that is does not relinquish. Ben Zobrist got the GWRBI for Game 7.
There is a statistical category called Game Winning RBI, which is the RBI recorded by a batter that gives it’s team a lead that is does not relinquish. Ben Zobrist got the GWRBI for Game 7.
You’re right, I looked it up wrong. I see what you mean, it seems to be a phrase that is used repeatedly. However, I stand by my point that it is incorrect in that it has an adverb (‘extermely’) attempting to modify one or both of two nouns (‘Democrat’ and ‘voice’). Adverbs modify adjectives. Neither ‘Democrat’ or…
I just did and Google produced one result.
‘Democrat’ is a noun, not an adjective.
*extremely Democrat voice*
I just got some dust in my eye.
“...have pitched 24.3 of the 45 innings this series...”
For some reason the oddsmakers in Vegas set the over/under win total for Jacksonville at 7.5 in 2016. Every week brings me a little closer to winning the $200 bet I made with my co-worker on the under.
Las Vegas would not be the first to fund a pro sports facility with hotel taxes. Orlando did this with their basketball arena. Atlanta did it with the Georgia Dome and renewed the tax for the new transformer butthole dome. Plenty of other examples out there.
Mark Davis looks weirdly normal (or at least, not abnormal) in this picture.
I haven’t even read this, just went ahead and starred it because it mentions CARtoons.
Facts don’t matter, and everything is a conspiracy.
The first time I heard the name Corey Kluber, I assumed he was a big-swinging first baseman.
He was born Leroy, but Satchel Paige is a great name.
I’ve said for years that John Smoltz should start a brewery based on his last name alone. “Celebrate the good times. Smoltz Lager.”
Huston Street. Sounds like a place where anything can happen.
Zane Smith
Good stuff. Thanks for the link.
When is Drew Magary back?