Okay, let’s hope that the camera (or whatever visual sensing apparatus is employed) doesn’t malfunction. Might be highly unlikely, but nevertheless, it would suck if it made the car undrivable.
Okay, let’s hope that the camera (or whatever visual sensing apparatus is employed) doesn’t malfunction. Might be highly unlikely, but nevertheless, it would suck if it made the car undrivable.
First question that pops into my head: Will performance cars that owners like to track on occassion have a shutoff feature?
Let’s just hope the radar doesn’t malfunction causing the car to brake when there’s no one in front of you.
Hey dude, nothing in Spete’s comment relates to the misidentification. His comment is simply critical of the unnecessary use of force.
Very well done, sir.
Headline: For The First Time in History a Football Player Acts Like a Dick in a Nightclub and Gets Away With It.
They could call the combined team the Tithers.
Can’t say I’m familiar with that phenomenon.
My first car was an ‘88 Civic wagon w/AWD and the six speed. (% gears plus a very low granny gear which I did actually use when precipitation got icy). Pretty great car. If I still owned that car it would be my winter ride.
Are you sure you meant to say that on Jalopnik?
Notably absent from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution piece is any mention of what exactly the problem is with Philips Arena. It’s got tons of suites, good access via rail, and on top of that, most of the seats have been barely used. There is absolutely no reason to spend any public money on this.
I once saw Ken Stabler throw a mullet at least fifty yards at the Flora-Bama bar’s annual fish-throwing contest in Perdido Key. He was a regular at the bar and a crowd favorite. I think he won the thing one year.
Nice grab. Good job by the runner to tag up and advance. It was either going to be a home run or a long fly ball out, so no need to leave first base.
You’ll find more Democrats there than Republicans. Clark County, NV went for Obama over Romney by 56% to 42% in 2012.
You can get an HHonors card from Citi that carries no annual fee. Two points per dollar, which is less than AmEx, but still, it’s free!
How the hell is the dude at 0:24 not more excited? For crying out loud, dude, you just saw an inside-the-parker! Get loud!!!
Well the NHL doesn’t have a great track record in this regard. They lied about the Thrashers moving to Winnipeg.
I would love to see all of the internal communications regarding Bonilla’s offer to turn down the $5.9 million payment that they owed him in exchange for an obligation to pay him $1 million and change for 25 years starting in 2011. You know Madoff’s “returns” factored heavily into that decision.
Beautiful. Anyone know how much these guys make?