
Just to save everyone some time: The remote aircraft doesn't get airborne until about the 0:55 mark.

I always thought that this car was the epitome of sleek.

Build it and they will come. (In their pants.)

Yeah, good luck with that strategy.

Play both. With some Talib Kweli and Buddy Guy in the mix as well.

I love my country, but I hate my fellow citizens taste in vehicles.

Five fouls in less than eleven minutes? This is an example of taking what they give you.

The main reason that Dingell lost his chairmanship over the Energy and Commerce Committee to Henry Waxman in 2008 was his opposition to tighter emissions standards.

So don't buy it. Doesn't need to be fast when there are plenty of people who don't want a powerful car.

It's not us Jalops, at least.

Rain in the desert is the answer to everything.

The Consumer Reports car guide breaks down reliability ratings by major components, such as engine, tranny, electrical, paint, etc. It is based on surveys of people who have owned the vehicle. So it's actually a good resource if you're looking to buy a used car, especially one that you've heard complaints about

Marty: Hey, Doc, we better back up. We don't have enough road to get up to 88.

I'm not so sure that Pandora or Spotify will kill satellite radio. A lot of people use SiriusXM to get sports, news, or comedy content. Plus, you can pick up a satellite signal in a lot of rural places that unreliable or nonexistent data connections.

I would have totally bought one of these if it had been available with a manual. I can still feel the pangs of disappointment when I realized that it was only equipped with a slushbox.

@bigfat elephant – I reckon you’re probably the only person who will read this, and I don’t expect to change your mind, but here are my thoughts:

A pro-Tesla bill was intro'ed recently in the Georgia House of Representatives (HB 925):

"In order for companies to be nimble and competitive, automakers have found it easier to leave the country than to deal with them."

I got a kick out of something one of the announcers said at the end of the clip:

There are plenty of reasons to buy a Veyron: Speed, performance, sexiness, exclusivity. But I can't think of one reason to buy a Lincoln F-150. (Especially the Blackwood.)