
Pregnancy can be sexy. Kathy Ireland and Rachel Hunter each had a bun in the oven for the '94 cover.

I'm sort of a space-utilization fetishist when it comes to cars, and I can get as excited about a car that uses space really well as I can about a car that goes really fast. The Model X feels like a modern version of one of my all-time space-utilization heroes, car-wise: the rear-engine wagon. Cars like the Volkswagen

We should take a page from the British and call it a 'front boot', or a 'froot'.

I don't exactly have my finger on the pulse of BMW these days, but I thought I read that the upcoming 1 series will be FWD.


Can we get one with a hatch? Please? Pretty please? I promise to buy it. (By that I mean a 1-year old used one with less than 20k miles.)

"...and the new one should be a modern, forward-looking car for our time."

Pretty impressive. Is that done by an aftermarket firm or is it some genius homebrew engineering?

So he pronounced it with only one syllable?

If VW really applied their engineering and design muscle, as we've seen hinted in their Microbus concepts, they could come up with a novel, highly-useful vehicle that would be appealing to people even beyond the old nostalgic reasons. I wouldn't even demand it be cab-over or rear-engined or anything like that — a

This is the dumbest thing I've seen on the internet today.

My father's 1995 Saturn SL1 did not have a passenger-side rearview. (I don't think there was any optional equipment on that car.)

Except for a ball. Legos can't be a ball. (But they're still the best.)

Now playing

Great. But, not like this hasn't happened before:

Not terribly funny. The last one is got a few chuckles out of me, though.

It's Tongue-in-cheek, like the Ron Burgundy ads. It's less about selling the car on it's features, and more about getting the car on the radar screen of potential buyers.

That's a ridiculous comparison. Calvin Johnson is far more mature than Dez Bryant. The dude plays hard and doesn't whine.

Yeah those prima donna kickers are so much worse than all of those humbe wide receivers and cornerbacks that just keep their head down and do their job.

Sammy Baugh is 24 years old in that picture.

Good question. Makes me wonder if a large face mask impedes the actions of a punter in any way. If not, expect to see Huber return with the Harry Swayne special.