Why the lame tranny? There are probably more manual Vanagons out there than autos. It boggles the mind why the person who dropped the Subie in there chose a van with an automatic.
Why the lame tranny? There are probably more manual Vanagons out there than autos. It boggles the mind why the person who dropped the Subie in there chose a van with an automatic.
To all of the people invoking Darwin awards and moronic driving: Please keep in mind that for the vast majority of Chinese drivers, this a relatively new phenomenon. I don't know how rigorous the driving test is over there, and I'm pretty sure that driver's ed is not required. Most of these folks did not ride in cars…
I think he played in fewer than 10 games this year.
Well shit. I swear I've seen some gems over the years, but maybe that was at Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium. Or maybe road games.
Starting pitchers making their MLB debut against the Braves probably have stats that are significantly better than league average. This has been a pattern for decades.
Yep, Vanagon got majorly overlooked here. Everyone who buys a Vanagon plans on having sex in it. Essentially, when you see a Vanagon, you're looking at a bedroom on wheels.
I'll be there. Can't speak for others.
'92 Accord worked for me.
Man, I wish I could get a wing on my car that goes through the rear window. That would be sick as balls!
Vanagon. It was made to do many things, including providing a comfortable bed for horizontal refreshments. To quote the Vanagon song: "I drive a motherfuckin Vanagon, it's the dopest fuckin ride on the planet, man! It's a queen size futon built right in, an Alpine tape deck spinnin the shit..."
I guarantee that the Ford legal department had this placed here. If someone tries this and hurts themselves, it gives Ford a much easier case to defend. I'll address your original post a bit more completely:
If it was a convertible it'd be an easy nice price. As a boring coupe, I just can't see shelling out $3200. Would rather spend that cash on something more interesting or practical.
It's legalese in that they want to provide notice anyone stupid enough to try this understands that it is not real and that it should not be attempted.
From the Audi.com/cn site:
Happy Father's Day!
His attorney is Don Samuel, who taught me White Collar Crime.
I predict that your friend will be exercising the purchase option at the end of the lease.
In serious need of a short shifter.
How common is it to see a Testarossa w/out a rearview mirror on the passenger side?