
That's not sarcasm. Sarcasm is saying the opposite of what you mean to mock your audience.

You just threatened murder over someone's opinion about an airplane. Tone it down, dude.


Go Jackets!

I had a fourth gen version of this car back in college. Great fun and very capable of getting traction on those few occassions when we would get ice on the roads in north Georgia.

Provo. Because nothing says cool car like a small city in Utah.

Iowa has Falls?

My grandfather, a thrift-minded dairy farmer had one of these. It was a yellow two door with a manual transmission and tan vinyl interior. (Grandma got to drive a nice LeSabre.)

I think it's real, b/c other people pop up with that last name on the googles.

Fairly ugly from the front. Looks like a Mitsu from the side. They'll still sell more than a few on the name alone, however.

I have not suggested that the driver should not be held accountable. He's in jail, if if the young woman's family wanted to sue him they'd have a good case. But the point of a dram shop law is to avoid situations where someone gets so trashed that they can't see a pedestrian right in front of them.

Gotta disagree here. His write-ups are very entertaining and I often learn something about the vehicle's pedigree. I gotta be pretty swamped to miss NPCP.

Good observation, sir!

Do you think it's okay for a bartender to continue to serve someone after it is clear that they are ripped? The whole point of dram shop liability is to hold someone accountable for overserving a customer whose drunkenness poses a threat to the safety of others.

Love me some Jerry Reed. Great as the Snowman, and a fine musician to boot. Top notch guitar player. Fellow native Atlantan, as well.

Dude, let me point out a couple of things here:

Hilarious to me!

Assuming the interior is half as respectable as the exterior, NP. But, tack on a few clams for a new paint job. All black would suit.

No, I am right there with you. I understand if a director needs to total a few rides (preferably old K-cars) in a a gripping chase or action scene. But the often chassis carnage serves no real purpose after the first wrecks. This stuff goes way overboard in a lot of movies and just amounts to a bunch of waste.

Well done, sir.