Dan J

It’s clearly one of the “adult jokes in a kids movie” that probably went a little too “adult.”

Gotta say that’s a pretty interesting production team pedigree this show is going to have.

True. But who is to blame for that, Von Trier? Seriously? It’s unfortunate, but Von Trier is not to blame. That’s just ridiculous.

No. All of this no. Violet wasn’t the first young winner. Tyra was. She was younger than Violet, and the same age as Aquaria.

I’m terrified of the concept of a roaring 20's speakeasy run by Veronica. Because that means more musical numbers and more retro mobster corniness. Ugh.

It’s not like he forced her to watch it. If someone is that easily triggered, maybe it’s your fault for not doing the research.

This should be pinned at the top. Most are trying to get people to react. And people react. When we stoop to their level of discourse, we lose the high-road argument.

“Conservatives” are generally both socially and fiscally conservative. If you’re just a fiscal conservative, you’re a Libertarian.

Actually, not counting All Stars, the majority of winners have been POC (most people forget that Violet is Latin). Counting All Stars, it’s 6/5.

It takes a really bitter person to say that Asia’s sit-down with The Vixen was anything but congenial. As was her helping literally every queen with outfits in prior weeks.

I love how the lead Ghoulie told the people at Pop’s to “come out and play.” This was the best overt movie reference on the show since “you broke my heart.”

So a white blonde girl is the savior against three minorities. Whoever was responsible for the casting must not be afraid of the backlash they’re going to get.

Gotta say this few versus many argument would be a lot more debatable if the few was a genetically engineered teenage sociopath and the many weren’t billions of innocent people.


“May I just say that it is BOLD to do a character that was literally done maybe three months ago”

False equivalence, as the good guy is also a woman.

One thing that’s off: the term “trans.” If this is set in the 80's, the abbreviated term did not commonly exist back then. “Transgender” also didn’t exist, the common term was “Transsexual.” “Trannie” wasn’t even a pejorative back then, even within the community, and the official medical term was “Gender Identity

Odette Annabelle is Latina. I’m talking about optics.

OK I can’t be the only one that thinks it’s bad optics to have three bad guys that are Hispanic, Black and Asian fighting a very White, blonde good guy?

No. “Retarded” is a pejorative term used to describe a very innocent population of people that generally aren’t as able to defend themselves. To say someone is among those people (as an insult) is far more offensive than “cuck.” I think most rational people will agree. Sorry.