Dan J

The problem is that we don’t self-police. We’re no better than the right in this regard. Metoo, Roman Polanski, etc. We let a lot of shit slide because someone is “on our side.” And we’re a lot more likely to cut someone out who isn’t lock-in-step with us 100%.

Ru isn’t defining drag. He’s not responsible for that, and he’s not required to do that. He’s providing an avenue for a very specific type of drag, and isn’t trying to invalidate other forms.

Powers Booth had a SAG nomination, that seems kinda glaring. But yeah folks like Chris Cornell or Della Reese I can understand.

I read Dela’s decision to be more self-righteous than selfless. When she basically said that she didn’t need to win, so she should let one of the other girls get the crown, it felt a bit condescending.

Yeah, first thing I thought was Hitchcock when I saw that. Even when one of them broke his windshield. We’ve evolved to the point where mankind’s biggest enemy isn’t nature, but technology.

“Nuance” is the key word. He seems a bit over-the-top, and a tad too theatrical. It worked on Glee, because, well, it’s Glee.

I dunno, after all the killings happened, this backwards timeline doesn’t work for me. We pretty much know all there is that we need to know about how everything started, so watching this was a massive chore for me.

I don’t want this. I NEED this.

Aside from it not looking like Obama, even comparing this piece to her other works, it falls a bit flat.

They changed the system so there’s no “perfect” score, so that as the skaters become more athletic, they won’t have the same score as someone from 20 years ago whose skate can be done by a junior Olympian today. They also shifted the focus more on athleticism and less on artistry. This makes sense since this is an

So basically you’re saying it will be more technical and less artistic... sort-of like gymnastics.

When you have critically acclaimed songs about female empowerment, started by a singer who started a movement losing to marginally respected songs written by men about exploiting women...

Wow OK. I mean you can take issue with calling Obama “glamorous,” because she was more down-to-earth and relatable (glamorous is actually more of an insult in that regard). But classless? Come on, man, she oozes class.

Anyone else bothered by the fact that his opening song was the one that destroyed a woman’s career but left him unharmed? Especially at the same event? Seems like a massive insult to Janet Jackson and only amplifies how sexist things went down.

Translation: older people are desperate for love.

Yeah I actually don’t like that the Lodges are all 100% Latino. I feel like that’s regressive in that an interracial marriage would make more sense AND I feel like it’s a bit more progressive (relatively speaking, compared to all the adults in their born after 1970 pairing up with racially identical people).

I get that the show is trying to spin Veronica’s life as a new-generation Cruel Intentions, but to say Bittersweet Symphony was from that soundtrack is a huge disservice to The Verve.

This article is super confused, the original wasn’t authentic futurist architecture. It was built in the 80's and looked like a regular McDonalds with a bunch of pictures on the outside. It didn’t get the retro/future architecture until 2005, so it’s not like a historical landmark is being touched.

I think you might be mixing it up with Excalibur, the nightclub nearby that used to be a Church iirc.

No, definitely not. The McDonald’s in that exact spot was always retro rock themed.