
I checked. He held up one finger after his first win, and two fingers after his second win. As you say, him holding up three fingers after his third win is just him continuing the pattern. It probably would’ve been a good idea for the stupid assholes who wrote and published this article to check that. I wonder if he’d

Of course, the best way to dispel the impression that you’re a snarky, chinless nerd is to channel Regina George. Good job!

Oh, you only hate him because you’ve been told to you fucking lemming. If you ever had an original thought your skull would collapse in on itself like a neglected shed. Now fuck off and irritate someone else.

Fuck yeah I’m a Rogan fan. So are tens of millions of other people all over the world. Nothing wrong with that. His show is funny, entertaining, and informative. I get that a few snarky, chinless nerds have a problem with him but listening to those people has never gotten anyone anything.

Being friends with Joe Rogan is controversial now? Christ, what a bunch of fucking dorks you people are.

Two Distant Strangers shouldn’t have won anything. It’s pure woke propaganda. It’s also unintentionally hilarious. The main character is a middle-class graphic designer for fuck’s sake. What a joke.

I don’t know why woke shitheads have such a bug up their asses about Elon Musk. So he’s a bit weird. Who gives a shit? It’s better than being a professionally bratty TV reviewer.

Wow. You’re a dumb piece of shit.

Didn’t Kyle Rittenhouse approach the cops slowly with his hands raised above his head?

LOL Facts = Violence.

Yeah, Bill! How’s this guy supposed to jerk off over this fake controversy if you keep interrupting him with facts and shit.

If the cop hadn’t shot the girl with the knife then - best case scenario - the other girl would be in hospital right now shitting into a bag. The fact you even think this is controversial is solid proof that you’re just a clickbait merchant.

I’m rooting for whichever movie has the most black disabled trans-femme Wahabbis of size.

Last week, a white man did white man things, which caused a lot of pain and heartache.

According to American law, Middle-Easterners are considered white. According to the fucking socially constructed system of race that’s the sole focus of this fucking website Syrian-born Muslims called “Ahmad” are not white.

Coolsies. Then I guess a travel ban on Middle Easterners isn’t racist, because Middle Easterners are white and you can’t be racist to white people.

Right after you pick the peanuts out of my shit.

So I guess a travel ban on Middle-Easterners isn’t racist then, right?

Socially, according to the perceptions of regular people who don’t give a rat’s ass about what the federal government thinks, that’s bullshit. Or do you think most people are walking around thinking the Twin Towers were taken down by 19 white guys?

LOL Fuck off!  If he’d been shot by a cop or profiled at an airport you wouldn’t be telling me how white he is.