This was not a “dad joke.”
This was not a “dad joke.”
No, it’s not a Dad Joke. Dad Jokes almost always involve corny puns.
.... is that a Dad Joke, though? It’s maybe a Dad Prank, but those are not the same thing. In fact, I have never *heard* of a Dad Prank.
Just use amiami like a responsible buyer
Osaka, Japan. By Anssi Määttä | Instagram
Dotonbori. Osaka, Japan. By Pavel Buga.
Yo Alf? The 1980s called, they want their science back.
The medical consensus for decades has been that gender and sex are biologically independent. We can see observable differences in the brains of trans individuals which place them far closer to the average brain of their self-identified gender rather than the…
The View From Skytree. Tokyo, Japan. By David Leonard.
I am also in this health situation in the U.S.
I would rather pay into a NHS that would cover everything should I need it, than pay into private insurance that only covers 80% should I need it.. (I pay about 450-500 USD a month for health insurance. Just so I can get in debt if I ever do get sick.
What drives me absolutely batty about that argument—aside from the incredible lack of humanity and the selfishness and short-sightedness of it—is that they’re paying for the healthcare of people who don’t take care of themselves regardless.
I think your problem is the same one people have when first listening to ambient or experimental music. They’re used to songs with hooks and choruses and bridges, so hearing a song without those elements can be alienating and weird. You can’t judge that kind of music with the same framework that you use to judge more…
So Mara desk lamp when?
Jill, you’re here too?
How about we also fuck off with the cross, that symbol was used by the crusders which were pretty much the religious nazis of the middle ages.
We have a similar problem (although on a much, much smaller scale) in Scotland and Ireland (and maybe Wales?) where the Celtic Cross is used frequently and happily, but in some places (like the USA, I believe) it’s a white power symbol.
We’re not going to give up our symbol because of those skinhead morons.
You’re appropriating a symbol that’s associated with well-being and fortune and make it a symbol of hate. Similar to what the Nazis did last century. The symbol had the “good” meaning way before the Nazis ever came into existence.
It was used in religion and culture long before the nazis adopted it.