
@numanair: I would have preferred to do it in someone else's mouth o_0


Christopher Reeve is a super butthole.

Harrumph harrumph!

@Pete Venkman: I've got a Hero that I just rooted, CM6 rom, and overclock. You will have a new phone.

@food_science: Dood, I also have an HTC Hero. I just rooted, CM6 rom, and overclocked and it's literally like a brand new phone. Totally worth it.

H/T and +1 to the dude who positioned the camera right on this chicks boobs.

I don't thik it's the Viper that needs to be singled out here. That same asshat probably has an Eclipse GS is high school and would have done the same thing...in reverse.

@numanair: You just made me vomit in my own mouth.

These two brothers from different mothers.

This is getting out of hand.

@Bizdady: Doooood, it's 4:20. Hit that shit yo.

@awdark: Yes, it includes rooting and a CM6 rom mod.

I thought the whole reason the ipad was invented was so Jobs could poop and play Angry Birds...together.

That's my rival, that's my F1 team quarterback equivalent, yo.

whelp, we're doomed.