@SpikeJnz - Shomer Shabbos: It certainly does suck.
Cisco 1811 router and a Catalyst 2960 or am I way off??
@AwesomeTroll: is Awesome
Haha, loved the "tacky car" comment from the article. I don't see why Buffalo is the butt of everyone's jokes lately (sports team aside), I mean have you ever been to Detroit?! I kid I kid.
@ThelynXAZ: I recommend the 3 to just about anyone looking for a car in that price range. It's hands down the winner in every category. I leave it up to the individual to choose which smiley front facia they want :) vs. :D
Probably belongs to this guy and his Low Res Lambo
@TheAntiCat: Syracuse is literal called the Salt City.