
I wish our yummy 90's Alt instructor would bend over more in that Short red tartan skirt she is wearing…someone throw a pencil on the floor!

You would have to impress me more than you have to paste that label on you……

Ya, but I heard that all their money is gone: Trans-hookers and elaborate fallout shelters…

That's a good point.

Maybe, but those idiots would have just sourced something else if not SP…

At it's best I see it that way too. The road to hell is paved with good intentions has always been a theme, and I think they have made some really good points with it.

Cut and paste from Breitbart…

Someone needs a diidy change! Mom..?

Ya, as long as it was funny…who cares about the rest? But they stopped being funny years ago.

"In “You’re Getting Old,” South Park’s most moving half-hour, Parker and Stone grappled directly with the cumulative effects of perpetually shitting on things—of allowing a healthy, amused skepticism to ossify into cynicism and self-satisfied superiority, then into nihilism, then into blanket, misanthropic hatred."

I agree that butts in their proper context are always better than non-contextual butts. I am glad they have toned down the rape-porn dramatically—-though I think depictions of rape can be perfectly fine, if not to graphic, and in proper context. I'm a little worried about how they are going to portray the captive

If I were fighting the Army of the Dead, I would be on a ship to the Summer Isles…just not one of Yaras ships…

He is a very strong swimmer…or maybe he will hitch a ride with Gendry.

Wouldn't securing Moat Caitlin be important to somebody? I guess we won't have any Howland Reed?

And just what is Brns point, besides an excuse for cool historical flash-back (and a few flash forwards) but how does he help the war at all?

You big dummy Clegane!!!

I thought one of the kids darted in and stabbed him twice, she smiles during it…

not just bewbs, butts too!!!

In Winterfell of course!
