
I'm half white and I don't get called a racist 20 to 25 times a day. What am I doing wrong?

The Catskills loves you!

God yes!

Isn't he on that Island with his Jewish American Princess?

Ya…Trump has boobs…

I couldn't resist getting Civ6. Just like when I first bought Civ5 I miss playing Civ5 and am having some separation anxiety, but I think once it get's patched and DLC'd it will be as addicting as 5. I loved playing France in Civ5 and having other cities convert to me culturally. In Civ6 France is Cathrine De Medici

God yes I love exploring, and those friendly village bonuses are like crack to me!

Wow, that is impressive! I consider myself a Civ addict but I rarely stray from playing the same 4 or 5 civs based on personal preference rather than the bonus's they give in the game….my wife is so tolerant.

The men are stealing our food!!!! You guyz just wait…it's coming!

Ya…..first rule….jeez!!!!

Ahh those cheese sandwiches suck! Their Bologna is exceptional however…

"Yuor gonna be a bum Voxius, a bum"

I have played it on my wives surface pro, it is kind of different, but Civ5 is always good. I like that about STEAM as well, it lets me *ahem* be more productive at work. I hate how it will not always remember your p-word however.

I pretty much play all my games on STEAM (which lately has been Civ5 ) so it kind of looked promising on the surface. Like you said being able to play on a huge HDTV, but we could never figure out exactly how it worked, and then if it would work for us. Although neither my spouse or I are very technically proficient.

What the hell is the "steam machine"? I was never able to figure that out?

Ya the personally marketing must be daunting. Do you undersell yourself to appear humble, or oversell to get "bites". What if you get along really well with someone online but it utrns out their pictures are misleading? What if someone won't get on a cam before you meet…is it alright to ask about weight? I'm pretty

I want Trump to stay away from all children….

Awww that's just flaying-room talk….

I have been married/with one person for five years now. I met my wife in College, like a good American! Seriously though, is the Internet dating thing scary? I'm way too paranoid for that, and no bars…no way. maybe at a Sleater-Kinney concert, but they are gone. If I were single today I would look for girls in upscale

That post is as clear as an azure blue sky Mr. Deltoid!