
Was it the Princess Irulan??? I gotta find me that tape?

What happened in the last 5-10years? There are an awful lot of details your view leaves out…private hospitals? Let those darkies die? Private ambulance? The only fuel or gasoline for miles and miles in a rural area? The only grocery store? And they won't be "forced out of business" their racism will be a marketing

Is the RFRA applicable to states, was there a challenge to it in the late 90's? (yes, I am way too lazy to look these things up) What anon is saying is the position of a lot of Libertarians, I'm never quite sure on whether that position extends to hospitals, etc or not. At the infamous debate in 2012 with Ron Paul it

You can marry your cousin there!!

Yes I do…

I don't think they would….

Making America Great again…you commie!

They had such a great offense that year too…

Also the one with the nurse, down the long hallway

They had such a good team that year too!

Could they restrict where they air it? I watch TWD on Amazon, can they just blank out a state?

Yer Aunt Petunia did a pretty good job wit' you kid!!!

Quetzlcotl will be reborn!….to score Touchdowns and sack QB's!!!

That Gary Anderson suuuure was consistent! Broke my little 12 year old heart….

That was the most effective boycott ever!!!!

"Do you carve out lots of inidividual issue-by-issue laws?" The Supreme Court does, when it comes to Indian affairs—-for better or worse.

The difference with the Peyote law is Congress "Plenary Power" over Indian affairs. Tribes are also exempt from Title VII, and can discriminate in hiring practices (Indian preference in hiring….see Morton v. Mancari)…wide swaths of Indian Law are "extra-constitutional"…

Members of the Native American church…we can't just use it to recreate that goofy movie William Hurt was in a long time ago….

I still suffer under Major Cramps during that time of the month…

I served under general asssistance, in the battle of South Minneapolis….