Between apparating and broomstick I'm pretty sure Minerva McGonnegall can get around pretty fast!
Between apparating and broomstick I'm pretty sure Minerva McGonnegall can get around pretty fast!
Se repentant…Mon cher Coeur…
Well don't look at the face…look at the sweet bottom!! Silly…
I'm still longing for a situation where I can say: "I ate a baby!"
Danny Trejo…he can play any age
Both you and Ms. Clark are yummy!
Noted amatuer anesthethiolost Bill Cosby, also enjoys a pudding or two on occassion
Chris Hayes is cute!
Audrey Hepburn, for me, after a ton of tanning, but definitely Aud-Hep!
My cat thinks he would be Liv Shreiber—but he would be Shia Lebouf
The pantalons are the solution to the problem, I'm gonna have to get me some of them! I haven't thought about mimes this much in years. I blame the femme mime a few years ago whose yummy little back-field mesmerized me. It was near the Malreaux square, just north of the Lourvre and my girlfriend caught me drooling. It…
Modern "journalism" instructs us so…
You have to admit that tight black pants = sexy….now excuse while I mime-climb a ladder into the X-files conversation…
That's a good one…I didn't even put it in the category…
You are so lost without Ziggy…
"We're on the highway to Bell!!" Taco Bell that is, for their 500 tacos for a nickel special…you must supply your own wheelbarrow.
Better than Brunhilda's Rusty Trombone…
rumpled liberals in horn-rimmed glasses??? YUM YUM!!!
I thought giantdildo Inc was her largest contributor? I'm sorry that's mean…I bet her fav dildo is a nice small asthetically pleasing, tasteful little nipper…just like mine! Trumps dildo however is YUGE!!!