Unsilent Minority

Guy did pretty well for $60,000...looks like a lot more than that. That is pure awesome.

@fluidexistence: Nope. I did have to sign up for the $20 monthly charge to get the $100 rebate (hence the final price tag of $50), but canceled that as soon as the rebate was processed. Now I have no monthly charge, it just uses my minutes, which I don't care about anyway since I don't exceed my allotment, ever.

I have the AT&T MicroCell in my house and it works like a champ....for $50 after rebate! Suck it, Verizon!

@stereobot: No sense at all. What is there, really, to hate? This is my daughter's cat, BTW, and he is her greatest source of joy.

@Shai_Hulud: Funny you should say that. My wife always says to her girlfriends that they should never trust a guy who hates cats, because it is irrational to hate ALL cats and it tells you that he has anger management problems or is abusive by nature. And she has never been wrong in this regard.

I'm pretty sure the stuff at the center of the Earth is pretty tough, but CERTAINLY not as tough as Unobtainium. The best pure-science movie of all time, The Core, proved this.

@Jamez64: Actually, the grill reminds me of the MDX:

@dixlexxik: Then you are clearly ahead of me. My apologies in whatever your native language is!

Now we know where the Ewoks went to school...and here's their class picture.

The UFO at the 10-second mark looks a lot like a pigeon.

The organic, flowing lines are cool, a nice contrast from the rigid horizontals and verticals so common in today's super-architecture. Very cool.

Where is her left arm, and what is it doing? I ask, because she sure seems to be enjoying this a bit TOO much.

I'll be surprised, no SHOCKED, if the final version of this car even remotely resembles the concept version. Glass doors? Gone. Glass roof? See ya. Sweet wheels? Nope. Blue, backlit grill? Nada. High-mount side mirrors? Negative. The final product is already in the picture, actually. Its the grey 3-series you

Horseshit. Nice-looking building, yes. But not exactly cutting-edge, as my fellow readers below have demonstrated.

They're just photographs of a decapitated person...nothing to lost your head over.

Hmm... I would have guessed with a name like Brozo he would have been a black clown.

How's this: @RickSanchezIsADrunkDrivingHit

Reminds me of the scene where Travis Walton is being examined by the aliens in "Fire in the Sky". Oh, and she's hot, BTW.

@HC: I don't know if we need group therapy, actually. It seems to me the fascination that righties have with lefties might be a bit of envy, in which case they need the help more than we do.