Unsilent Minority

@Unevolved has three moving parts.: Thanks for pointing that out...makes it seem as though ANY riding mower should be able to attain that speed, which, while making your weekend more enjoyable, would also make it infinitely more hazardous.

This thing even has a place to store all 3(!) of your balls (image #20)!

The tail is too high, IMO, but the front view is fantastic.

So, the Honda Crosstour is despised, but this thing is revered because....why? Oh, yeah, it's German. Whatever. I like them both, a lot, but the Crosstour is less expensive initially by a wide margin, less expensive to fix, less expensive to maintain and insure, and the Crosstour isn't purchased merely to impress

@Jagvar: At first glance, this looks exactly like my old 1992 Accord Wagon.

Is everyone else here blind, cuz I think it's fantastic. Finally an Acura where the nose looks correct. No, it doesn't look like any other vehicle on the road, but that's its appeal IMO.

Yeah, well, my kid gets to....back my wife's Odyssey out of the driveway...so there...

Super hot, but I wonder if the looks (high beltline, chopped greenhouse, high-but-short decklid) are going to age quickly, much liked the similarly-porportioned Chrysler 300C? Still, its gorgeous NOW.

@DohaJalop: Rectal tube with 85 degree-angled drainage port, perhaps? The coil could serve to anchor it inside the rectal vault while the top flange channels could direct the liquid stool into.....oh, nevermind.

This whole saga seems aimed at killing a company that is better at playing "Capitalism-The Game" than our government-owned companies are or were. The fines won't kill Toyota in the US, but the bad PR might.

Nice price on the car, and don't even need to have enough money left over to augment the model's front end.

Tweeting and driving Prii are a perfect match....they're both for people who want others to think of them as sophisticates, but end up painting them as mindless douchebags.

@gantou: You do realize that the "cost" of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001 amount to approx. $950B, or roughly the same amount that Obama spent LAST YEAR on the stimulus, right? And I say "cost" because much of that is in pay to service personnel who will be spending that money in our economy, kinda like a

@gantou: The executive order is merely lip service, as the provision to not federally fund abortions already is on the books, so to believe that Stupak and Co. held out for this is foolish (I support the liberal viewpoint on this, BTW...). Hypocritical can also be described as "pointing one's finger at Goerge Bush

As for the hood vents and flying buttresses...meh. But the engine, and those fabulous wheels....wow.

My auto laundry list:

@gantou: Couple problems with your assertions: FOX News is not "turning people into" anything...it is the blatant overreach of the federal government that is bringing this upon themselves, an overreach that began in the Clinton administration, continued in the Bush years, and is now full-blown under Obama. Next, the

And just WHERE will one be driving this thing at 130 MPH....downtown Manhattan?!

Looks like a stretched Enzo from the front...

@BigHarv: I hope you meant "abortions" illegal and not "miscarriages".