@engineerd: That's just genius..."stand on a stage and get a medal like a cracker"?! Poetry, my friend.
@engineerd: That's just genius..."stand on a stage and get a medal like a cracker"?! Poetry, my friend.
They did spell "exclusive" right on the inside lip of the wheel, however....
@Paul Y. don't drive too fast.: I, for one, enjoy Fox News pointing out morons, starting with our President. Take your political jabs elsewhere.
Infiniti G37, anyone?
1986 Dodge Omni GLH Turbo....easy. Next question.
"Did I pop the tires...is that what happened?!"
Love the styling of this, inside and out, especially the idea of a minimalist interior. Makes my wife's '06 Touring Odyssey, with it's 5000-button center stack, look silly.
Nice thing is, none of them missed a good day's work in doing this. Go away you pack of communist, ant-parking, pseudoenvironmentalist jack-offs.
@Schm wishes he could bring back the funny. .: I wish the hell your comment wasn't funny, but it is.
Needs more chrome if it's really going to stand out in the WalMart parking lot.
KIND-OF(?) cool, but to lay the word Ferrari anywhere near this vehicle borders on sacrilege.
@dolo54 blows minds and blows engines!: HAHA...angry Pikachu! Good work!
I'm not completely in love with the headlights "furrowed brow" line that extends into the hood, but overall, I love it. Very progressive, but classic Ferrari lines.
@wheatieboy: +1...and that, my friends, perfectly delineates the difference between the two body styles aforementioned. Good work, Wheatieboy.
@AF_H1VLTG3 makes rotary love: Priest would have nothing to do with that crap. The artwork or the truck.
Sweet corded car phone, though. Looks like something Flava Flav would have owned.
@Syrax: You are forgetting another, earlier, handle-hider. The hideous Chevrolet Beretta.
If the rest of the car follows Honda's current angular styling (which I like BTW), why is the rear ROUNDED?! Arrggghhh!
Looks like the front of the Odyssey, whick is OK by me.