Unsilent Minority

@YourTechSupport: The Constitution, as it is interpreted by the current administration, is merely a "guideline" by which to make substantive, legal decisions based on feelings and intuition. It has, in effect, been invalidated indeed, but only by the current administration. The Bill of Rights applies to citizens of

@weatherman: Profits? Profits!? What are these "profits" of which you speak?

@FrankGrimes: I dig the Honda Fit...and it hardly qualifies as crappy by anyone's quality standards.

I say crack pipe....

I saw crack pipe only because for that price a fabulous Ferrari or Lambo could be had, with some cash left over for maintenance.

If you look real close at the first picture, you'll find both a motorcycle and an irrelevant male actor there with Ms. Fox.

@MaxSmart32: Thank you for misspelling Mr. Mulally's last name, since the iteration you present, Mullaly, happens to be my last name...and that makes me almost famous.

LOVE the body...kind Lambo, kind R8. Awesome.

I like pens (esp. Waterman fountain pens) and Mercedes (esp. the SL600)...but together, they spell FAIL.

You would have to be a total douchebag to drive this awful-looking, miserable pile of crap...oh, wait, this post was meant for the Protoscar article.

E. P. I. C. F. A. I. L.

Not to decry it's original looks, but I for one would LOVE to see what the folks at West Coast Customs could do with a ride like this. It would be awesome.

Is this April 1 or June 1, cuz you have to be pulling some kind of prank to think that ANYONE would pay 21K for a used-car-lot-full of these pieces of shit, let alone just one. Crack pipe, indeed.

Loved that vehicle in "Transformers"...