Dan from MV

I believe India and Pakistan will be the first countries involved in a nuclear exchange.

Nuclear weapons are terrible for warfare because of MAD. They are ideal for terrorism.

With our warming ties with Cuba, what better time to have a Cuban national as President? Constitution Smonstitution, its been gutted anyway.

Converted into dollar bills and “make it rain” like Jerry Jones

Use. Periods. Occasionally.

A 9-iron will substitute nicely

It WILL go to the team owners. Has St. Louis negotiated with the NFL before? It doesn’t seem like it.

Windows would probably be a bad idea ;-)

Are there any world class fighting forced we would face (Chinese, Russian, NK, Iran) that would defend with only machine guns now? ATGMs are widely available and would take these out easily.

Well, you won’t have to worry about that with the F-35. They won’t come anywhere near the battlefield. Now your issue will be the the laser designator jackass.

I live not too far from Camp Pendleton and get to see the USMC practice with these from time to time as I head to San Diego.

Can you imagine the “fun” the world will see when we greatly reduce the demand for oil, and the money stops flowing to the ME. Entire populations will become radical islamists in the poverty that will grip the region.

We don’t have any *declared* ground troops. You best believe there are special ops forces on the ground.

We’ve been doing it for a year and we have reached tactical stalemate with goat herders. We want the Iraqi army (that we spent years and billions training) to defend their own country, but they need help of Iranian militias to do so.

Russia is going to be in big trouble financially if oil doesn’t go back to $60+ per barrel. Hmmm...there wouldn’t be an “accident” in the offing that cut off a bunch of ME oil from reaching the market, could there?

You can only identify 2?

Drill baby drill is completely counter to Obama’s goal of $7.00 per gallon gas. He would say “Solyndra, baby, Solyndra!”

How can you be sure that Obama wasn’t actively encouraging the anti-Assad groups during the Arab Spring? I share no such confidence.

Which would be very useful if we are fighting China on the moon.

Success has many parents. Failure is an orphan