There’s nothing heroic about voting to take away the healthcare of the most vulnerable people in American society.
There’s nothing heroic about voting to take away the healthcare of the most vulnerable people in American society.
Mike Salk sucks.
I bet you’d be a lot prettier if you smiled more, just saying.
The fact that Tampa, a place that essentially didn’t exist during the Civil War has any kind of Confederate monument is absurd and obscene.
Hillary is awful and the fact she is that terrible is the reason we’re in this national nightmare, currently. Fuck her and fuck you.
My buddy got married at City Winery last month, good to know great things continue to happen there!
That is why the Neiman Marcus outlets are divine. They don’t have made for outlet stuff. It’s solely Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman castoffs.
That is why the Neiman Marcus outlets are divine. They don’t have made for outlet stuff. It’s solely Neiman Marcus…
Serious question, do Greece and Bosnia have some sort of historical beef or is this just normal, soccer shitheadedness?
This was so much better than anything written by Billy about soccer.
I try, but I can never finish your articles.
That was my first thought. It may be my first thought in most life choices. WWMBD?
No arguing with anything you say here, it is all too true unfortunately. I just wanted you to know there are plenty of good, committed public defenders out there. As a matter of fact, I’d say most of my former colleagues were idealistic and took the job for the right reasons and really did do the right things for…
Not always true. Former public defender here. When my client was really innocent and or demanded a trial, it was to quote Mr. Bigg, “time to go to trial.”
Lifelong south Floridian here. One minor quibble, Delray Beach is not the Miami area. It is in Palm Beach County, therefore it is really in the Boca orbit and Palm Beach really.
What a bunch of homos, right?
That’s pretty gay.
The fact they won’t build any parking should be instantly disqualifying. Miamian here.
The full report says that her “injuries” were claims invented by her out of nothing.
OP presumably didn’t give us “President Trump” for one.