
What you just said is very true, except 94% seems a bit low to me.

4PM. East coasters too.

That’s brilliant kinja.

She’s not wrong, she’s just an asshole.

I for one am not voting for John Wall because he danced that one time, and he had no father growing up.

I weep whenever I read comments like this. Reading comprehension isn’t your forte, huh?

There’s no such thing as too high. Perhaps in certain situations, but in general, no way man.

That’s because they were tiptoeing around Jared due to the fact he has aids

Well, then I guess the people that said no then were correct.

I hope bad things happen to you.

Hot Taek™

Settle down, Francis. Food doesn’t spoil that quickly.

He’s an improvement over the previous chucklehead.

Republicans basically ruined this phrase after 9/11 but it bears repeating even 152 years later, true American heroes, the 1st Minnesota was.

No, we didn’t pay for it. We told them to go fuck themselves. Stephen Ross is paying for it.

Way to make a non-sequitur, casually racist comment!

Thanks, Coach!

Wishing well deserved ill upon you for your poorly informed, Pollyanna opinions is not a hot take.

Or the Patriots twice.

I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and you dishonest, reefer madness propaganda spewing. Twice.