I hear he needed medical treatment for some ongoing issue ever since he ass**cked Microsoft so bad at E3 last year
I hear he needed medical treatment for some ongoing issue ever since he ass**cked Microsoft so bad at E3 last year
Exactly. For us in Europe, he was the best E3 host/speaker: not stuck in political correctness, not trying to look like a hipster, always with a friendly smile and a mischievous glint in his eyes. He was the link between Kevin Butler, and say, Andrew House...
You sound like a butthurt Xbot. Don't worry - XBoxTwo should be able to handle 1080p.
Anyone who tries to argue that a specific fanbase or group of fanboys is worse than another is more than likely a fanboy themselves and is only contributing to the problem.
You have the freedom to pay or leave.
Please, please tell me that was an intentional joke.
First part i don't truly agree with but second part makes sense since its not just titanfall, its also deus ex, call of duty, assassins creed, any non-nintendo game seems unfit in general for any nintendo platform. Nintendo is known for fun, happy go lucky games with happy endings, while sony doesnt have that or isnt…
might not be intentional, but I got the same vibe from reading the article.
Now don’t get me wrong. If you think Space Dandy is hilarious, that’s great. It just means we have different tastes in humor. I just happen to enjoy humor more complex than what Space Dandy has to offer.
MuShiShi is probably the golden standard in this. It's a 26 episode series where there is precisely zero connection between episodes and only, at best, inferred development of the main character. But it will make you feel like very few other series will.
Obviously the reviewer didn't see the episode about the girl with the body-swapping power, because it proved that more dramatic and feels-oriented episodes are possible. The reviewer seems to believe that episodic television without strict continuity can't also be dramatic, which is a fallacy if I've ever seen one.
Close. It's WILL-E's battleship.