
Are you fucking joking?....... Honestly? Moron. There hasnt been a single 720p game since watch dogs. Every game is 1080p with some being 900p. Literally. Do some research if you are going to hate.

"hey, it's something to do, so...do it, I guess?"

I'm sorry but if you are complaining about filler and it only took you 64 hours then you are doing something wrong. My first playthrough was 170 hours. I can complain about filler. You sound like you only did main quest missions. Hell a playthrough on DA2 without DLC will probably last at leats 50 hours so what the

I wonder how many people actually remember that TV stations used to play the national anthem at the end of their broadcast day.

whut bout FFXIV

I clicked on this link thinking, "I have hundreds of hours of CS under my belt... Surely I've seen it all..." I was wrong.

The "hand clap" at 0:14-0:15, that's all that needs to be said.

It's well established in the Star Wars universe that inertial dampers are a thing. This is blatant unadulterated click bait. I clicked so fuck me too. If I see the Falcon I click, it's a pavlovion response.

I wonder if Denver has any "Smoke responsibly" ads

Except you forgot about [insert whatever the hell they want here because they wrote the universe and can come up with some arbitrary reason it makes sense fairly easily].

If you take that into account, it actually makes perfect sense.

"And effectively its their own fault that they released the game in a less playable state..."

There's no moral justification for such excess in a country with millions of children who don't even know where their next meal is coming from...if they get one.

I'm all for enjoying what you earned. But something I get sickened by the excess of the rich. Just... ugh fuck em.

North Korea is permanently trapped in the 1950s. Soviet chic never goes out of style.

wait no way! u wear your watch on the wrong hand? that's TOO funny.

These hats are absurd.

What on earth is a Mevius?

Sure they can. They just buy a "non-gesture" game and get the beefed-up GPU performance even with their Kinect, err, konnected.