Meh. Good spirited. However, are you equipping them for the world you grew up in or the one they’ll be growing up in?
Meh. Good spirited. However, are you equipping them for the world you grew up in or the one they’ll be growing up in?
Is it okay that at the end of the clip the announcer called him a ‘giant’? Is that the equivalent using ‘midget’?
I feel overwhelmed. I just downloaded ~40 episodes...
I assume this means the ice/ice maker is contaminated too???
The lineup has changed significantly. Boers and Bernstein is no longer a thing. Boers has health issues and no one could stand Bernstein.
I appreciate the knowledge you are bringing, but take a step back and look at the markets you are drawing comparisons to.
NY & DC vs. Orlando and Portland.
Who is he talking about?
I imagine moms, dads, and soccer kids are the league’s target market, who are plenty populated in suburbs. I do not think Manhattenites or other boroughs who rely on public transit are the NSWL’s desired audience.
Being insanely rich must be nice, but I do not blame him not funneling even more money towards a losing venture. He should sell if he does not want to make adequate facility and housing arrangements but that may lead to relocation.
Poor playing conditions, practice facilities, and housing arrangements (which seems strange to begin with) are all awful...but the last paragraph by Erica is wishy-washy.
Anyone who has used knows this is no deal, only a headache.
David Andrews. Called it.
But despite being the NBA’s tallest player, Porzingis’s midrange jumpers...
No spoilers please.
The ref isn’t even impressed. Has the ‘fuck it’ arm motion going on.
(Approaches grocery clerk with 3 ingredients)
Don’t cash that quite yet..I need to move around some funds.
I never understood why this sort of thing doesn’t get more attention. I assume it happens all the time...right?
Can we get some more Figure Skating pieces on Deadspin? I haven’t quite gotten my fix.