
Tbf, the second was a joke

I played about three hours, discovered that the space exploration was little more than loading screens and a menu, and bounced.

Imagine getting paid millions, with a golden parachute waiting, to sit on your ass most of the time telling low level employees not to waste company time.

They’re allegedly bringing it back with “non-actor” hosts, whatever that means. But it will be interesting, because I assume most if not all of the cast are part of SAG AFTRA

I’ve literally heard no hype or promotion for this. What is going on at Disney this year?

The sheep is here!

The IRS should worry about out of control billionaires more than Swifties

Yeah, Final Fantasy 16

Yup after Sea of Stars, BG3, and Starfield then maybe I’ll check this out. 

6 OW2 posts in a row? Really?

Seems like the Pop Culture Shelf Filler fad died 3 years ago and they’re just holding on because it’s most of their business so they just have to or else

Say the line, Bart”

Sure they will. I definitely believe this with no hesitation or thinking about it for a second. Ubisoft has always been an honest company that has never stretched the truth or *cough* defended sexual abusers on its executive team *cough*

That’s fine. Social Media is dead anyway

Good. Fuck em

Pandering to LGBTQ+ is how Overwatch has managed to stay afloat this long

I had the mental capacity to understand these were animated characters being compressed to fit on a Game Boy.

The real move here is to trade in Last of Us Remastered and Part 2, both of which were $10 in the last 6 months

I mean, a lot of it is the spinning tablet that prompts you with the three options. If I see it and the employee is standing right there, chances are I’m going to tip. Probably the lowest amount, but it feeds into the guilt/pressure/expectation etc. that has been shoved in our faces. But the brazen nature of now everyo