Daniel Joseph

Another trick that might work...


Do you even have a desk anymore? I picture you creeping around at night and posting on other people’s computers.

Kim Jong-Un is a depraved and powermad individual, I think we can all agree. But he would never - never- use the R-word to insult someone. You sir, are the real monster.


Mayers’ bathroom break strategy caught up to her once she took the job at Yahoo! as she immediately proceeded to shit all over it.

I worked in Baghdad (development aid worker) for a few years, and these sorts of bombings with high death tolls were relatively commonplace. By the time I left, they were increasingly rare, and I truly believe as I boarded my last flight out of Iraq that things were on the upswing. My then-boyfriend (now husband) and

still in a public beta phase

Based on activists like Leonardo dicaprio, I guess we should own several mansions and many expensive cars each, and fly in private jets at every opportunity. Oh, yeah. And make speeches about stopping fossil fuel use.


What about 40 cakes?

Ironic when you consider that the Falcons new stadium is basically a giant anus that looks like it’s ready for a nice big penis when the roof “opens”.


John 6:55