But seriously, which one looks better?
But seriously, which one looks better?
I think it's that SO MANY women serial killers are ashamed to come out and say "I am a serial killer" and then there's this misconception that there are none out there, ya know? Like it's a dirty word or something. Ladies, if you kill multiple people in a methodical or compulsive way, NEWSFLASH! You are a serial…
My Southern born-and-bred mama was the QUEEN of throwing shade. I had a cousin (one of mama's "wild" sister's children, Bless Her Heart) who decided at a family reunion (the ONE TIME YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO KEEP YOUR SHIT TOGETHER, BARBARA JEAN) to drink a little too much and couldn't figure out how to open a door clearly…
They really do mean they are sorry that happened to him!
This is sort of comforting. My boyfriend recently sustained a severe injury and every single person I know has said "Aw, bless his heart". New to the South, I have been sort of put off by this, because are they insulting him? For being injured? Wtf?
Anyone else use "I love her to death but..." I've noticed this one is being used more and more. I use it at least once a week.
There's a special place in hell for women serial killers who don't help other women serial kill.
If I ever have a daughter, I would want to know that she can kill for domination, control, and humiliation if that's what she chooses.
"But if you can find a girl who you can go to an EDM concert with, have a conversation with, who will sit on the couch and watch you play GTA for three hours—and then you go to bed and have amazing sex? That should be your girlfriend."
Ah the internet. Where the "ask and you shall receive" is literal.
You're doing god's work.
They are the perfect ambassadors for "don't fucking tell me to smile" and I love it so much. We should put them on PS posters in high schools.
But are Juggalos really happy, deep down?
even with painted smiles, they still don't look happy
They collaborated on the Mockingjay soundtrack!
Blink 182's Tom DeLonge is not a true punk, says Blink 182's Travis Barker, Punk King.
It could be worse. They could be dressed as Juggalos.
Hey, maybe the Duggars and PETA can get over their differences come together on their mutual disdain for women!
Dollar store Lenny Kravitz