
It’s just so meaningless. I can’t wrap my mind around what he’s even trying to say. “Now that gay marriage is legal I want the world to know that for at least ten years I haven’t been against the idea.”

Risky home training, there.

He was also one of the two men who kidnapped and raped and nearly killed Samuel L. Jackson's daughter in 'A Time To Kill'.

don’t the forget: It's monica's song, too!

Yeah, Anerica has rapes and major problems (not what the article is about though), but are there “trials” in America where innocent girls are forced to be gang-raped? ‘Cause that’s a whole other level of sub-human fucked up-ness.

“... yet they remain deeply influential in parts of India.”

Wow, way to miss the points completely, and completely disregard how fucked up “the case” above is.

While I will not make any statements against any culture, and freely admit the U.S. is awash in misogyny, please tell me any instance in modern U.S. culture when a woman was sentenced to be raped by any legal governing body. I'll wait, because I really want to know if there is one instance of that.

This made me sad af.

Is it really hypocritical for someone to be okay with the cost/benefit analysis re: animal testing for medicine, but not for cosmetics? It doesn’t seem like an arbitrary line to draw, just a different one, like the difference between people who decide to be vegetarian for ethical reasons and those who choose to be

Because it is not the only thing she is famous for; it minimizes her very valuable work in the field of Human Education and objectifies her. She has parlayed that fame into something socially useful.

Their excuses for testing on animals are ridiculous and do little but prove how toxic and horrific the cosmetic industry is. Not just chemically, but idiologically.

Animal testing generally involves placing cosmetics on skin, in eyes, airways and in sufficient quantities to induce mortality. The data is, scientifically speaking, of use. It’s important to understand how products affect mammals, because you absolutely definitely do not want to bring a product to market that

say hello she replies with ‘fat’ and I shook it off because I thought maybe I had heard her wrong. As I approached her and asked to do my pose she stared at me blank faced. I continued talking ‘you saved my life’ I say ‘you’re the reason I’m alive today.’ She looks me dead in the eye and says ‘you’ll die soon enough

People who are always in relationships really weird me out. Like, is it really that hard not having a partner for a more than 6 months or a year? Seems impossible for celebrities. I’m not even really talking about Lea Michelle. Maybe it’s just that I hate pretty much everyone, but I can’t imagine being able to

He is not a man, he is an animated trapperkeeper from our childhood nightmares returned

But she is brainwashed and in a cult.

The women of color are women of color. Who gives a shit what they say? It’s not like they’re white or anything.

Pretty fuckin rich coming from the guy who told black America that racism is their fault because they won't pull their pants up

This is not her fault, for goodness sake. I wouldn’t know who the hell they were talking about either, and she’s a much nicer person than I am because I would have just told them to fuck off (and probably gotten in hot water for being caught on video cunting out on a “fan”). This is a no-win situation. Leave her alone.