
The evidence shows he used racial slurs and committed a violent attack, that's a hate crime

A domestic violence situation would accurately describe white-black relations in America.

Yeah, I didn't know this was against the rules. Before I dropped out, a teacher tried to help my truant self by driving me to school every morning and back home every afternoon. This was absolutely great. Her reaching out to me and offering tangible help kept me in school another year. And I kept her in mind years

Why are you asking me if I would subject a child to the life of a poor Nigerian (i.e. without any social safety net)? That's not a choice I'll ever have to make. And no, poverty is not an emergency, not in reality. Its an indictment of a society, a community that allows people to live that way, but on an individual

Now you've got me reflecting on my life, "ok what bad situation have I been in at least 3 times and how can I adjust my own approach?"

This line in particular: "If by not having sex for say five years in a row i could save a lot of money, and live the rest of my life in relative comfort, i would totally do it!"

I'm a lifelong celibate and have never had sex by choice and I'm in my thirties, I know people can live without sex. I don't think they should have to just because they are poor.

Wow and this program has been around since 2010. Sounds like an awesome program too

So you're not great with chit chatty hanging out with people in general. Fine, whatever, but don't characterize women as babbling about their vacuous lives. This is not unique to you, as I pointed out, this is a common way women in particular are characterized and their lives dismissed.

Why did you single out women and say you feel the same way as the LW (who describes women as more boring than men, while you call their lives "vacuous")?

Whereas men are always super-deep? Anyone who implies this seriously must not know many men.

Well some guys do say that, BUT those judgments aren't reinforced and encouraged by society at large. Guys who prefer female company are read as "gay" (whether they are or are not, it's used as a negative inference rather than simple descriptor), not "masculine" (with the assumption that masculine is superior), and

Spot on. Also, the misogyny is revealed in the fact that she does have "a few close girlfriends" who share her personal interests but still thinks there is a problem with girls as a group. Shoot, "a few close girlfriends" is PLENTY to me but then again, I'm an introvert.

if I'm going to live my life in America and I'm poor, I would just give up on sex totally, as well as anything else that might have potentially expensive consequences.

I read the whole post, I always do. I thought it was informative. I was in no way challenging their knowledge of Nigeria's culture and how that facilitates poor people with large families. I was trying to point out that just as someone who is not Nigerian and would condemn those women for having 10 children out of

Oh, so you can understand why Nigerian women have ten kids but you just cannot imagine that other poor people could have sociocultural reasons for having children. You really would not tolerate some poverty tourist proclaiming the solution to Nigerian poverty is for women to just close their legs, but you think you

Dismiss Patriarch34, before someone responds to it

I would suspect that police in the 1800s (really dude?) making such an arrest and prosecutors making such a case were doing so to discourage a public nuisance. The differences are many, but a salient difference is "drunken" rape cases are kick started by victims. Drunk people are easy prey, for theft, for assault, for

I talk to at least one of them every day, either by text or on the phone. I am very fortunate to have a great relationship with my parents since I left home. And this even though my mother was very physically and emotionally abusive to me as a child. I got therapy, realized that it wasn't my fault, and through a

The whole "two drunk people hook up" thing is very played out. When two drunk people consensually hook up they usually both go on with their lives, see for example the hit song "Drunk In Love". There are usually no rape accusations. When there is a rape accusation, the appropriate thing to do is examine the actions of