
"Wow thank you so much I never would have been able to decide for myself if I liked something if you hadn't let me know."

The chocolate Frosty is literally the most overrated food product in existence. It's fucking soft serve in a cup, and people go nuts because they gave it a fancier name. It's bullshit.

Haven't read this article because the Inaccurate Title throws me off!

1) You don't know what I know... (seriously!)
2) I doubt there is any Shit in Gatorade, let alone it being full of it

I know Charlie is reposting this article but try and use your combined editorial experience to do a better job. Like many here, I am

yea we need more Bard classes

It goes back further: Warrior, Thief, Magic-User hearkens back to old versions of D&D. It's a pretty well-established cliché by this point. (I wish it'd change up too.)

Same goes for digital comics, too.

Nothing about a "fuss" being made. But if your conversation about handing down your kids' clothes to other children ends on an 'everyone dies' note? Edgar Allan Poe might be telling you to lighten it up a notch.


Here's an article about death, immortality and that space in between and all I can think of is how the heck your mother decided that explaining how some clothes have to given away is the time to drop the "You know, everyone is going to die," bomb on her kids.

I don't know, but I'm guessing it has something to do with these fellows.