Daniel Nicholl

Well he died in the vanishing point or something, which I think LOT considers to be a point out of time? So it's a little murky.

I can get behind what you're saying, but from Diggle's point of view, a guy who's only really knowledge of this wider universe was Barry and fighting a giant shark and I can see why maybe there's maybe a more existential view of it, cause it's not like baby Sara's consciousness was put into Diggle Junior's that baby

Man these shows have their problems but that episode really reminded me why I love the DC TV Universe.
It was great having Kara in there, watching Ollie mentoring Barry and just all those genuine lovely character moments.
Probably one of the closest and best attempts at bringing a comic book crossover to life and I

Then again, a baby girl was wiped from existence which would be pretty hard for Dig to take no matter if he had a son in this timeline or not.

Didn't Sara say they were minding the waverider? They're definitely in the crossover later on though.

You know I thought we were past the whole "Let's make everything dark and gritty" phase.
At least it looks nice visually even if it looks like the most generic fucking thing ever.

Even as a 19 year old somewhat adult the fucking wheelers still terrify me.

Man I wish Matt Ryan turned up in some of the Arrowverse show's more.
Also are we going to see him light up? My friend told me that one of the running jokes on the show was when he tried to light one up every now and again and he'd get stopped or something.

c) Can we get a specific number on man-ass?

"Local man says he's done with The Walking Dead, for real this time."

I guess Gimple is just trying to recreate the success of the episode "Clear" Somtimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. That said it could easily be done more like Game of Thrones, let's say the first half of last week's focused on the Kingdom, whilst the second half focused on the Saviours.

Oh that makes sense if Rick is back in Alexandria next episode.

If each episode was more of a self-contained story featuring the characters and their arcs I would love that.

I'm surprised a lot more shows haven't tried the structure before cause it's simply like changing perspectives chapter to chapter on a novel, I think the reason why some of these episodes haven't worked may just be down to the overall writing than anything. With something like Clear Gimple clearly wanted to tell an

I actually think JDM is doing a great job as Negan, he seems to be writhing in enjoyment at playing him which is honeslty how I imagined he would come across on screen.

I guess that's why I'm not writing TV.

Are they not? Didn't Rick and her head off to the hilltop last episode they were in?

Well to be fair, sometimes it does work and sometimes it doesn't. Gimple (just typed out Glenn) wrote the episode Clear in Season 3, that's probably the first example of this kind of structure and that episode was so positively recieved that the structure sort of stuck, I actually really like this structure, each

I imagine if the show started following Negan when the show began instead of Rick Negan wouldn't come off that bad.
You build this system based on trade so that you can get more supplies and then suddenly this group breaks into one of your compounds in the middle of the night and slits your men and women's throats,

As the reviewer pointed out where the Hell does WD get it's minor character actors from, surely a little more money could be put into one of the most popular shows on TV.