Daniel Nicholl

Fun fact, Essie Davis is married to Justin Kurzell, the director of the recent beautiful Macbeth movie.
Talent just runs in that marriage.

it's basically just another X-Men movie
We've had 16 years to figure out whether we like them or not
If you like Bryan Singer's X-Men you'll probably like it.
(Although Days of Future Past was better)

All that crazy shit is still there I can tell but I hope Esmall remembers what drew a lot of people to the show and that's the character of Elliot himself, the scene that instantly drew me to the show was that scene in the coffee shop in the beginning. If they can keep all the crazy shit whilst also remembering the

I hope they go full on insanity like the last three eps of last season
But I also hope they retain some of that drama from the first few eps.
Look I just hope it's good.

That Evil Dead remake is genuinely underrated.
Thank God for genre flicks.

I think that's being made into a show as well on ABC, but cause Powerless is getting the ball rolling first Damage Control will inevitable be compared to it.

Pusher 2 is Refn's best film
Fight me

Someone pointed out that this maybe a version of Deadshot where he only kills bad people
A DC Universe where Batman murders people and Deadshot has a sense of morality
*slow clap*

I think it's also the fact that making Superman, a character who is interpreted more as a symbol than an actual character a dark brooding character simply does not work, imagine how much better if we got the bright coloured happier superman to really compare with batman so it actually meant something.

That last scene in the forest where they all started whistling reminded me of the final forest scenes of the British Horror Movie Kill List.

How are they even going to advertise the next season? They usually show a new trailer every comic con but how are they going to show it without obviously giving away who gets the batting. Maybe they'll just use clips from previous seasons to hype it up they've obviously put themselves in a corner advertising wise.

I think I cried tears of joy when the Punisher started shooting those ninjas
Fantastic finale and Fantastic season, yeah there were some problems here and there but the season was throwing so much to the wall at one time it just worked phenomenonly
BTW that Luke Cage tease at the end
September can't come fast enough.