Daniel MacCabe

The mighty P-3 was a lot of fun. Before that I got to fly the King Air 90 - also a lot of fun, but the PT-6s had spool up time that the Allison T-56s didn't.

But to get back to the important stuff - I'm really glad nobody got hurt. A little bit of 3 wheeling can be pretty scary, but it's great news that nobody was

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One more just for fun... The Hunter fears no ice. ;)

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Real shame for the the pilot that they didn't have 4 big props with beta. :)

P-3 can taxi, takeoff and land on solid glaze ice with no problem. The wonders of differential thrust and thrust reversing ability. We also commonly reversed into parking spots.

Why not?

Strange bedfellows...

Fun fact - there's already a satellite system on orbit called "Skynet."

It's a UK military communications system. It actually predates Terminator. I love that it exists. ;)

This is one more reason submarines ROCK!

...and one more reason to feel naked at all times while on a carrier...

That's what the Audi dealer charged for my '02 allroad clutch. :(

I LOVE IT! I need to find some of that fun locally. :)

I've never seen a Vette owner who wasn't drawing Social Security.

Sorry, but in my experience it's just about every 'Vette.

Brother in law has one of those. I lost all respect for it when I looked under the front and saw that it was 2WD. What the hell is the use of a 2WD Jeep?

You forgot the most iconic sports car of all time. I'll forgive your oversight... This time.

Drives a Prius, camps in the left lane, and drives 5 under.

Seattle, beautiful place, cautious drivers. It's kind of the anti-Texas.

No Audi allroad? Those things are pretty unstoppable... except by a repair bill.

It's an interesting idea... but this is the kind of crap that shouldn't be patent-able.

I was a Naval Aviator for a time... it was awesome. We all start training in Pensacola, and while I was waiting for a class to start I was able to volunteer at the National Naval Aviation Museum.
That was SO cool.
Also... what a crazy museum full of oddball, mostly forgotten, aircraft. I loved every minute of it.

Lots of people say X looks just like Y! I find this argument pretty annoying. For example, a bunch of people insulted the Russian Buran Space shuttle for looking like the US Space Shuttle, and the TU-144 for looking like the Concorde.

The reason these arguments are annoying is that the laws of physics and fluid

I owned an '81 westy and I've regretted selling it ever since.

The L Jet is actually great - assuming you plug up all the vacuum leaks. Regardless how healthy the engine, this thing will be epochly slow. I can remember crossing Wyoming in a 45kt headwind, on the interstate, and being unable to get out of second gear.

Yeah, I was quoting fantasy. I was assuming that you had 4 planes already on the cats, with all pre-launch checks done, and just delaying for spacing. US carriers are capable of it, and I've seen Nimitz load all their cats at once, but it's not normal.