
All I want is a Photo Stream button right here!

Please prove him wrong on all of his points, I would love to see this.

the question is, does that innovation have to be a physical TV set/is that even the ideal way to do it? I personally think it makes a lot more sense as the future of Apple TV, where you can use it with ANY set you own...Apple TV just needs to get to the point where the XBO is going to be...where it's the ONLY thing

Was this threat called in by Apple?

You're new here, aren't you?

"Buried for thousands of years"

This is a very cool animation. It looks like it took a lot of time. The person who made it must be pretty lonely, therefore has a lot of time on his hands.

stephen king is a liar. next?

Do you need a hug?

I got 679 as well. But I googled it and it only took me 2 seconds.

Ashton: Okay let's see, I need to channel the biggest douche that ever lived with an exaggerated sense of self-worth.

Back in my day, fanboys weren't a bunch of knobbly-knee'd nancy boys who jumped ship at the first sign of a problem with the product. Fanboys stuck by their brand, exponentially increasing the amount of ludicrous denial & wholly unsupportable rationalization of the greatness of their favorite brand.

"When a technology vendor can’t keep up with the speed of innovation anymore, it resorts to incrementally copying other’s innovations and starts adding pointless visual gimmicks"

I've actually found that the Earpods don't, for "normal" non-audio snob type people, sound all that bad as long as they're crammed securely down in your ears. Sadly, they won't stay in that position and the sound quality suffers.

God forbid they think of creative ways to teach our children the skills they need to be productive. Standardize all the things!

well, those two were sorting larger sets than many of the others. But some form of nlogn is currently the fastest you can sort an unknown dataset (where you don't have certain guarantees about what the data IS before going in). Radix sort is awesome for things like sorting strings...but since it's essentially a

Instead of just focusing on speed, I wish USB would also rethink the connection. Why? Let me ask you, what is the most annoying thing about connecting something to a usb port? Almost always getting the orientation wrong. The famous "USB quantum state".

Great, even USB cables are posting duckface photos now.

Ssshhh. Keep your voice down...