That's why you bet on the other side that the world will not end. That way it's a win/win :P
That's why you bet on the other side that the world will not end. That way it's a win/win :P
You know, that the same thing with US bills. They are deceptively indestructible.
Nah, I think it would be more of a time/technical reasons why sometimes the science is a bit sketchy. Obviously, they do know what they're doing and if they wanted to make it scientifically valid they could, but they have to be practical, and more over they are just making a show for entertainment. If being a little…
Works for me :P
Please don't eat me :O I'm not really a froot loop and that would be bad for your supposed diet thingy.
Ok, can I use this to gain weight? I'd think not. If I miss a couple of meals I lose measurable weight and it's pretty hard to get back.
Ya, I'm just 18. But like I said, I think with my generation racism is gone.
I'm not sure if this this is a serious comment, but you sure did mention farts a lot :O But I live in Utah, which is mostly a shadow of California culture.
My goal is to eat as much food as possible. Screw these proportions!!!
Just like to point out that talking like that to food is PROBABLY not normal, though I'm no expert in this field.
I honestly don't know anyone my age or younger who I would consider racist. I mean, there's lots of tasteless jokes, but as far as being fundamentally racist, such as out right hating a race or believing one race is better than the other, I haven't seen it.
Most of the Mythbusters experiments are sorta scientifically 'eh', but they still make a good show so it's all good.
OK, so in your own words what does that comment mean?
No, big words don't hurt my brain. Big words used nonsensically for the sake of using big words hurt my brain. Seriously reread his comment and try to figure out what EXACTLY he's trying to say, and once you do, it still doesn't make much sense.
Well, OP said,
What I'm getting at here is that hacker is really what any of these people are, and hackers aren't really that type of person. These people doing asshole things are mostly script-kiddies, crackers, and scammers, but not hackers.
Me and my friends do that to each other all the time. It is sorta annoying, but it's also really fun to mess with people like that (with boundaries.) I've found that I just gotta not be so dependent on social media, and, well, #antisec
Not just babies. The whole idea of Hell or Purgatory is just nonsensical. Who wants to believe in a religion where people get sent to eternal damnation for any reason?
You seem as good a person to ask as anyone: who the crap is Cosmo The God? (not literally who, but context, where does he come from?)
I think you're confusing two definitions of 'hackers'. On one hand we got some script kiddies who go around doing stuff for the lulu, and on the other hand you have some scammer. I would consider neither situations hacking.