But she goes on live and crys about how mean people are to her! Why are you all picking on her! I’m so body positive! Love Me!
But she goes on live and crys about how mean people are to her! Why are you all picking on her! I’m so body positive! Love Me!
The filing included claims that Lizzo questioned one dancer’s commitment to her position because of weight gain
Here’s the thing — I like Post. He’s a talented musical artist, and I’ve never heard of anyone who has beef with the guy. He is apparently so nice, in person, that some people assume he’s faking it and/or on drugs because there’s no way anyone can be this nice.
We’re looking up to the wrong people.
I think the important thing is to not get sucked into the cult of personality.
I like the label BUT I can see why fans of said subgenre wouldn’t. It does feel kinda dismissively snarky.
Iron Pineapple (big souls-like youtuber, lots of fun stuff) did a segment on En Garde with the demo, and since then I’ve had my eyes on it, it looks just so wonderful and colorful and quirky and enthusiastic
Just to be clear, “Windows” includes Steam, right?
“This big demon first appeared WAY back in 1997...”.
Geesh. It’s not THAT long ago. I was an adult playing the first Diablo in 1997. We had cars and telephones back then, you know.
Literally half the game will be free with the coming expansion.. No need to throw it into gamepass when you have so much content that’s already free.
Just pay for the game like the rest of everyone else.
The game was one of the first live-service disasters when it first launched in 2013, and was even entirely shutdown for a time before re-releasing as A Realm Reborn.
Aaaaaaaand, what wonderful timing, they’re also expanding the free trial through Stormblood which opens an absolute fuck ton of new, really good content.
Once upon a time, Carrie Bradshaw was real.
Cool to see you guys are employing 68 year old Lutherans to write your articles for you now.
It’s not anything like Diablo. You can view the game from a similar perspective but comparatively:
This right here. Best to withhold any judgement for now to avoid looking the fool later.
You really have to ignore sales figures to make statements about what “nobody” wants.
Like some of the people tweeting about the incident, I, too find her story to be suspicious. But unlike those other people, I find absolutely no reason to share my thoughts with anyone other than my wife. Why do so many people find it appropriate to comment publicly on things on which that can’t possible be well…
The internet and websites we frequent are just overall shittier than they were 10, even 5 years ago. More and more places disappearing, more and more consolidation with things being worse for the end user/customer.
Waypoint shut down, All of Giant Bomb’s original folks moved on, now the last of the oldschool Kotaku writers leaves the site. I know that most of these folks have other projects ongoing, but it does seem like a lot of my old standard bookmarks aren’t what they used to be, for better or worse.