I had a PS4PRO shit out recently, so now I’m in the same boat. Thankfully I have a PC to fall back on in the meantime.
I had a PS4PRO shit out recently, so now I’m in the same boat. Thankfully I have a PC to fall back on in the meantime.
Thank you. This is such an obvious connection it hurts to not see it in this article. That was the most satisfying kick in ANY game EVER.
Dishonoured 2 is *so* good.
I had hella performance issues with D2 on launch, but they were cleared up with patches.
I’d love to see them take this approach with a single player story mode. These set pieces are phenomenal.
Nice. I’m sure you told him. Anyway, enjoy this shit show of a site.
Fix this false, click baity headline, please.
Lmao Fuck the Chinese government.
Please edit the title of this article. The only “action” we saw was a pre-rendered cutscene.
In juxtaposition to the previous characters, these guys look like weak little dweebs. And in a game about running a gang full of hardened criminals, you should be able to see why that would be a problem. Right?
Hell, it’s dated now.
It’s a damn shame i missed a lot of the seasonal stuff and have now way of going back to experience that stuff.
I don’t know, has he gone through the appropriate public background check yet?
I think his point may be that Black Panther is so closely tied to POC representation, that disliking it can become...controversial. For instance, I honestly didn’t really like the movie (compared to a lot of the other marvel films) and have been railed for it.
This is a crock. It was ultimately CDPRs decision. This isn’t their first time making a game.
Thank you. This is all the evidence we need.
This is actually stupid. His character has been established. It’s a shame that he was named after a real person, but it’s too damn late.
Because he’s funny, and fun to watch. I don’t even really watch twitch streamers but after watching some of his twitch clips on youtube criticizing FFXIV, and seeing the buildup to him playing it I decided to tune in. I don’t regret it at all.
That’s asshole behavior, not being a “sociopath”. Holy shit lmao.
The art is very “Indie Unreal Engine 4 FPS” and it kinda turned me away at first, but the game is fun enough to not care. Which is like the opposite problem of other modern day F2P games lol.